Sunday, February 25, 2007


How lucky am I to receive this super amazing quilt from our Jackie. I'm quite blown away that Jacky would give this to me.So much work and detail, that for me , being a non sewer, I really do admire.So much stitching and little beads dotted about.The glass dragonfly beads are a beautiful touch.Its such yummy colours, with gold splashed about.This is such a treasure I love it so much. Thank you Jacky( you need a blog).Big hug to you.
I still cant believe its mine and cant stop touching it.
It truly is a Bluebird of Happiness.
Isn't the art world so wonderful.
Thankyou for sharing your friendship's Dotee.
As we say she is OUR Jacky now.


Natalie B said...

Gorgeous work Jacky!! Lucky you Dawnie, it's just absolutely a precious gift.

Big hugs

Anonymous said...

Dawn I am so excited that you like your little quiltie so much. This is my first quiltie (as such) and I thoroughly enjoyed making it for you. I am just so thrilled that it has found such an appreciative owner!!!
Cant wait to meet all of your girls in May/June.... hope you can make it too Nat.

Julie H said...

Dawnie this is beautiful!!! And it blesses me that you are the new owner. Jacky is soooo talented.

3 sleeps

Dot said...

Am sitting here at work grinning after reading this post! So, pleased you received something so beautiful from our Jacky. Isn't it lovely that she is 'ours' now :)

I know, firsthand, how talented and thoughtful Jacky is and now you and Julie get to experience it first hand.

Beautiful art for a beautiful woman from a beautiful woman!

Ev said...

Hey there..promised I would comment. I love the quiltie and look forward to seeing in IRL, since I don't see you much these days it is nice to see what you are doing you creative soul you....

Veleta (Sammy) said...

What a great gift you received from Jacky.... she is so talented.... \
I just love all the stitching she had done!