Friday, September 05, 2008


My darling cherubs amuse me greatly and each are very different with their spirit and personality with baby number three taking this...with my phone.A lovely surprise ! Baby number two has been handling it so well, without complain while she deals with this...

and baby no 1 is setting the pathway, leaning the ropes along with us and has a better grip on reality than most

Your all stars in my life and a huge inspiration .
Does it make sence when I saythat you make me feel old, but keep me young ?


Sam Marshall said...

Love those photos!

Dot said...

You are a lovely mum and I can see why your kidlets love you!

I enjoyed this post :)

How is baby number 2 going? (she is very brave).

Julie H said...

oooh delicious new banner since i last looked! and you know i love the kidlets! great pictures.