My creative time has meant the ideas that have been rolling round my head have begun to evolve into artwork.Ive relished in the free time, no running round for work, school,household duties.Time is always a big factor for us all and with it goes the debate of whether we should give our permission to use that time for ourselves.
This afternoon was spent with my daughter,my mother,a friend and her mum for a creative playtime.It never hit me until now how it felt more like a group of friends than a mother daughter thing.We enjoyed the company while all explored individual interests.There was beading and jewerllery making,quilling,card assemledge,stamping, ATC.
Throw in some cake and some laughs and you get a lovely afternoon.
Dawnie your blog banner is fabulous!!! Did you do it yourself. Is that the GPP text stamp behind your bottle top medallion - I love the whole thing but the background is great.
I will be up for the AJR trading night, I have not been on a holiday for a couple of years so am going all out on this one. Jo says all the artists and some more will have sale items. Perhaps we can organise to meet?
So glad you had a fun creative day! I am just starting to relax into these holidays and to create freely - and I have NO swap commitments which is so freeing for a little while.
Have a great day!
Love you ATCs, particularly "Look". Keep creating.
Hey Dawie, ever time I see what you've done with that key-hole plate I love it more and more....it'll prompt me to drag mine out and actually use it! lol
I totally agree with your comments, art play time is MOST important, something that I couldn't live without....need to have contact with my arty girlfriends on a regular basis - it feeds my soul!
I love your blog banner and the look you are giving your blog overall. It is bright and earthy all at the same time! A perfect reflection of your specialness.
Love the manly man ATC, so quirky and so you!!
So glad you have been having time to relax, connect with friends and family and create.
It is so important for the soul isn't it? We all need time out to play and nourish ourselves.
I so, so wish I had a bunch of girlies over here in Vic I could play with on a reguar basis.
But the internet connections to my friends far and wide will have to do for now (and they provide such joy to me).
Much love to you Miss Froggy xoxoxo
Wow how cool that not only your mum is "arty" like you, but one of your girlfriends mum's are too! Way way cool. Love what you've done here Dawny and so glad you have a blog to share your art with everyone on a more regular basis.
Big hugs
Wow how cool that not only your mum is "arty" like you, but one of your girlfriends mum's are too! Way way cool. Love what you've done here Dawny and so glad you have a blog to share your art with everyone on a more regular basis.
Big hugs
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